Enterprise interoperability

Enterprise interoperability qualifies the faculty of enterprise to establish a partnership activity (in product design, organization of the activities of production, supply chains piloting) in an efficient and competitive way in an environment of unstable market. Also, inside a company, the need in interoperability of the various services is very generally identified.

If the need of interoperability is established today clearly, the solutionnement is interpreted at various levels (business, organization, computing) and by various actors (commercial, services computing, manufacturing).

The research in interoperability of enterprise practised in is various domains itself (Enterprise Modelling, Ontologies, Information systems, Architectures and Platforms) which it is a question of positioning.[1]

  1. ^ Chen, D., Doumeingts, G., and Vernadat, F. 2008. Architectures for enterprise integration and interoperability: Past, present and future. Comput. Ind. 59, 7 (Sep. 2008), 647–659. (English): DOI